
Awod Wechaszew. Math notebook. Four year of study

A course book for learning calculations in Hebrew, entitled "Awod we-chaszew" (Work and calculate), consisting of 154 pages. The title page has Hebrew inscriptions containing information about the publication, which is provided on the next page in Polish: "A. RASZAŁ/ AWOD WECHASZEW/ podręcznik rachunkowy/ czwarty rok nauki/ Printed in Poland/ Zakłady Graficzne "FENIKS" Warszawa". At the top of the title page, there is a stamp with the word "PARGAMUT". Next to it, the same word is handwritten in Hebrew (it's probably the name of the owner). The company Zakłady Graficzne "Feniks" in Warsaw, where the book was printed, started operating after 1934 and ceased its operation in 1939. Therefore, it can be estimated that the course book was published in the 1930s.

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Information about the object
Author / creator
Wydawnictwo Zakłady Graficzne „Feniks” (Warszawa; ?-?)
Object type
form of information
Place of creation
Warszawa (mazovian province)
Copyright status
the object is not protected by copyright law
The Lublin Open Air Village Museum
Identification number
MWL Zb. Spec./2088