
Choshen Ha-Mishpat

Book from the collection of the Przypkowski Museum in Jędrzejów. Hebrew print, ed. David Balaban, Lemberg [Lviv] 1911, 730 pages. The copy was purchased in 1972 from Mieczysław Lipski of Jędrzejów.

Original title:

זה שולחן הערוך אשר יקרא בשם חושן המשפט עם תורת הכהנים חלק ראשון

[Ze shulchan ha-aruch asher ji kara be-sem Choshen ha-mishpat im Torat kohanim Chelek rishon].

Set table, which is called Choshen ha-mishpat, together with the Torah of the priests. Part one.

Publisher's imprint in German: Nachdruck verboten.

Choshen Ha-Mishpat (Hebrew: Breastplate of Judgement) is the title of the fourth and final part of the great code of religious law Arbaa turim (Four Columns), compiled by Yaakov ben Asher, and the commentary to it – Shulchan aruch (Set Table) by Yosef ben Ephraim Karo. This section of the Code discusses civil law and the rules of court procedure.

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Information about the object
Author / creator
Object type
form of information
Time of creation / dating
1st quarter of the 20th century
Place of creation
Lviv (Ukraine)
leather (processed)
Copyright status
the object is not protected by copyright law
Przypkowscy Museum in Jędrzejów
Identification number