
Documents of Nuta Dawid Glajtman and Chaim Glajtman

A thirty-page set of documents resulting from two cases: the issuing of a passport to Nuta Dawid Glajtman and a police report to Chaim Glajtman for not displaying prices in a shop. The files include requests from the applicants themselves, letters from the District Police Headquarters and the Olkusz County Office, as well as photographs. Nuta Dawid Glajtman wanted to travel to Czechoslovakia. Chaim decided to open his own business – a shop. However, on the first day of operation, he received a fine of 10 złotys for not providing information about the prices of individual products. In his appeal, he explained: "[...] I started trading on the same day, that is, 27 August [1925], so at the time of the constable's arrival to my place, I had not yet been able to establish the prices, as it is understandable that with a newly opened shop, at least a day or two is needed to unpack the goods [...]." The officials showed understanding in this case and exempted him from paying the fine.

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Information about the object
Author / creator
Starostwo Powiatowe w Olkuszu (Olkusz; ?-?)
Object type
official documentation
Time of creation / dating
1st half of the 20th century
Place of creation
Olkusz (Małopolskie Province)
Copyrights status
the object is not protected by copyright law
Antoni Minkiewicz Regional Museum of Polish Tourism Association in Olkusz
Identification number