
Kitve kodesh esrim we-arbaa

Book from the collection of the Przypkowski Museum in Jędrzejów. Hebrew print, published in Warsaw 1878, with a total of 982 pages. Composite volume containing two works.

1. First work: Kitve kodesh esrim we-arbaa, part 5, ed. Yehoshua Gershon Munk, Warsaw 1878, 535 pages.

Original title:

כתבי קודש עשרים וארבעה חלק חמישי ישעיה

[Kitve kodesh esrim we-arbaa Chelek chamishi Yeshayah].

Hebrew Bible (literally, Twenty-four Holy Scriptures). Part 5. The Book of Isaiah.

Publisher's imprint in Hebrew and in Russian: ЭСРИМЪ ВЕАРБЕ TOM V. ВАРШАВА. 1878.

1. Second work: Kitve kodesh esrim we-arbaa, part 7, ed. Yehoshua Gershon Munk, Warsaw 1878, 447 pages.

Original title:

כתבי קודש עשרים וארבעה חלק שביעי ירמיה

[Kitve kodesh esrim we-arbaa Chelek shevii Yirmiyahu].

Hebrew Bible (literally, Twenty-four Holy Scriptures). Part 7. The Book of Jeremiah.

Publisher's imprint in Hebrew and in Russian: ЭСРИМЪ ВЕАРБЕ.

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Information about the object
Author / creator
Object type
form of information
Time of creation / dating
4th quarter of the 19th century
Place of creation
Warszawa (mazovian province)
leather (processed)
Copyright status
the object is not protected by copyright law
Przypkowscy Museum in Jędrzejów
Identification number