
Letter to Alice Woolbert (Jones)

A Jewish calendar with tear-off pages, intended to be placed on a desk, for the year 1940–1941 (according to the Hebrew calendar - 5701) with Jewish holidays in Hebrew and Polish holidays in Polish. The Sabbath entering times are given for each Friday. The first hour marks the beginning of the Sabbath in Warsaw, the second in Krakow.

The calendar was available to people who placed an order at the editorial office of "Gazeta Żydowska" (Judische Presse Gmbh publishing house), located at Dietla 49 in Krakow. The calendar ads appeared in successive editions of the newspaper before Rosh Hashanah 1940/5701. Published in 1940–1942, although edited by Jews, in fact served as a Nazi propaganda tool in the General Government. Quoting after Sabina Kwiecień: "[...] this magazine was an example of Nazi propaganda promoted with the help of Jewish collaborators. The perfidy of German politics is revealed by the very fact of publishing in Polish a magazine addressed to the Jewish society. The language of the magazine indicated that the Nazis wanted the audience to include as many readers as possible, including the Polish community. [...] It described economic, social and cultural life and created the illusion of independence. Articles testifying to the religious freedom of Jews were published, as well as false reports from labor camps and even from extermination camps depicting the allegedly good living conditions of Jews" (S. Kwiecień, ,,Prasa żydowska w Krakowie w czasie okupacji hitlerowskiej’’, in: ,,Kraków–Lwów. Książki, czasopisma, biblioteki XIX i XX w.’’, vol. 9, Kraków 2009, digital version: rep.up.krakow.pl/xmlui/bitstream/handle/11716/2910/30_prasa_zydowska_w_krakowie_s_kwiecien. pdf? sequence = 1 & isAllowed = y, [accessed 25 June 2021]).

Maciej Wzorek

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Information about the object
Object type
Time of creation / dating
Created place
New York (United States)
Copyrights status
POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Identification number