
Mahzor. Sukkot

Book from the collection of the Przypkowski Museum in Jędrzejów. Hebrew print, ed. Bracia Lewin-Epsztajn i Wspólnicy Printing House, Warsaw (Gęsia no. 5) 1909, 413 pages. The copy was purchased in 1968. from Jadwiga Szartowska of Kielce.

Original title:

מחזור. סוכות. באותיות גדולות מאוד... נוסח ספרד

[Mahzor. Sukkot. Be-otijot gdolot meod... Nusach Sfarad].

Mahzor. Sukkot. In very capital letters... Sephardic rite.

Publisher's imprint in Russian: МАХЗОРЪ Часть III m. е. Праздничныя молumвы. Тип. Левинь-Эпштейна, Варшава, Павлиная 38.

Round stamp in Hebrew on title page: "Lewin-Epstein Brothers and Associates".

The mahzor (Hebrew: cycle) is a holiday prayer book. It contains a set of prayers intended to be recited during one of the major Jewish holidays. It includes not only the basic liturgy but also various piyyutim, i.e. liturgical poems. Most of the mahzors contain only texts, without musical notation. The melodies, sometimes of ancient origin, were transmitted orally.

Mahzor from the collection of the Przypkowski Museum in Jędrzejów is intended for Sukkot, the Feast of Booths (or Sukkot), and arranged according to the Sephardic rite.

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Information about the object
Author / creator
Object type
form of information
Time of creation / dating
19th/20th century
Place of creation
Warszawa (mazovian province)
leather (processed)
Copyrights status
the object is not protected by copyright law
Przypkowscy Museum in Jędrzejów
Identification number