
Photo album with photos

A photo album with family and travel photos of Magdalena Gross. The first page (insert) is an advertising leaflet and a competition card in German at the same time. It encourages the submission of this album to the competition, along with photographs and a completed entry card. The incipit of the page: "Kodak-Wettewerb der »Frohen Momente« | 1913 | Eintragungs-Formular". The competition rules can be found in the form of an insert at the end of the album (before the third page of the cover). The incipit of the page: "Allgemeine Regeln". None of the competition cards are filled in.

Inside the album, there are four types of pages: 1. with photographs with captions; 2. with photographs without captions; 3. only with captions (without photographs); 4. blank. Numerous traces of glue and torn-out photos.

The main theme of the album is travel: Sopot, Florence, Rome, Tivoli. The photographs present Gross and her friends, monuments and architecture, nature and the inhabitants of the visited places. The authorship of some of the photographs can be attributed to Magdalena Gross - especially those taken in Italy, where she stayed on a scholarship. Sadly, it is not known who photographed Gross. The composition of the album (the arrangement of the photographs and the captions) is probably the artist's idea; the photographs are arranged in chronological order. At the beginning of the album, there are photographs from a trip to Sopot. They present a child (possibly a girl), a middle-aged woman and an older man posing on the beach, against the sea. Those are both posed photos and spontaneous images of people having fun on the beach. The next few pages are occupied by photographs illustrating Magdalena Gross's trip to Florence, where she was on an art scholarship studying painting and sculpture under the supervision of Filadelf Simi. The photos present not only Florence, but also Rome and Tivioli, which is known thanks to the few captions in the photo album. UCO

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Information about the object
Gross, Magdalena (1891-1948)
Object type
Time of creation / dating
19th century
Created place
manual script
photographic print paper
Copyright status
the object is not protected by copyright law
POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Identification number