A photograph taken during the first visit of Andrzej Feigin (during the war he changed his name to Wróblewski, with which he later remained) with his wife Wanda, née Piotrowicz, and the recently born (1935) child Andrzej Krzysztof – at his father’s place, Naftali Feigin in Słupca.
The first wife of Naftali Feigin, Andrzej's mother, Berta, née Awerbuch, died in 1922 (see: A. Wróblewski, "Być Żydem... Rozmowa z Dagiem Halvorsenem o Żydach i antysemityzmie Polaków", published by the Niezależna Oficyna Wydawnicza, Warsaw 1992, pp. 45, 53). The woman depicted in the photograph next to Naftali Feigin is most likely his second wife, whose first and last name we do not know. We also do not know why Feigin moved from Vilnius to Słupca in Greater Poland. Perhaps his family lived there.
He and his second wife died in the Holocaust.
On the life of Andrzej Wróblewski – see notes to other photos in the collection, especially to the photo opening the archival group.
Wanda, née Piotrowicz, the wife of Andrzej Wróblewski at the time, depicted in the photo with her son on the left, came from Kowel (now in Ukraine), and was born in 1911. We do not know if either of her parents: Helena, née Javepko (1880 –1924), and Bogdan Piotrowicz (? –1939), had Jewish roots. From 1934 to 1937 (1938?), when she and her husband lived in Vilnius, she was a choreographer in local theatres (she prepared choreography for, among others, "Oedipus King" by Sophocles, "Macbeth" by Shakespeare, "The Marriage of Figaro" by Beaumarchais'him, and "Oresteia" by Aeschylus). During the war she lived in Warsaw, then in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski and Włoszczowa, and she was active in the underground resistance; mostly, she helped in hiding underground activists and other people at risk of arrest (pseudonym "Biała Joanna").
After the war, she was still active in the theatre life. Together with Krystyna Berwińska, she was, inter alia, one of the main founders of the travelling Teatr Ziemia Mazowiecka, where for many years she was not only a performance director, but also an artistic director – from the beginning of 1956 to 1968; the end date is significant – it can be presumed that it was a "March" dismissal from the director's position (Wanda Wróblewska stayed with this theatre until 1972 – as a director). The marriage with Andrzej Wróblewski ended at the turn of the 1950s and 1960s.
She died in 1991 in Warsaw.
The biographical information is based on a biographical entry in the "Almanach Polskiej Sceny" 1997/98, volume XXXIX, Institute of Art of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw 2003.