
Photograph of the Jewish cemetery in Strzyżów

The photograph was taken by Stanisław Dobrzycki in 1911 in Strzyżów in the Podkarpacie region. It shows a Jewish cemetery or part of it with matzevot, the total number of which can be estimated at around 20. Hebrew-language inscriptions and typical symbolism referring to the profession, function or character of the deceased are visible on the tombstones. The finials of the matzevot protruding from the grassy ground are either straight or semi-circular in form. On the left of the frame there is a tall leafless tree and a small wooden building behind it. A spreading bush is also visible in the background, along with individual houses and hills in the distance.

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Information about the object
Author / creator
Dobrzycki, Stanisław (1875-1931)
Object type
Time of creation / dating
1st quarter of the 20th century
Place of creation
Strzyżów (Podkarpackie Province)
black-and-white photograph
photographic print paper
Copyright status
the object is not protected by copyright law
Seweryn Udziela Etnographical Museum in Kraków
Identification number