
Photograph of Natan Krotoschiner and Berta Krotoschiner

This photograph by Natan and Berta Krotoschiner was taken in the park belonging to the Moritz Rohr Institution in Bojanowo. The couple sit on a wooden bench, Natan supporting himself on a cane held in his right hand. He is dressed in a dark suit with waistcoat and white shirt. He has a tie under his neck and a hat on his head. Berta is wearing a long skirt and jacket. A polka dot shirt is visible in the slit. On her head is a hat decorated with a bow. Her hands rest on a leather handbag held in her lap. The woman's face is cheerful and smiling, her husband's serious and proud.

Natan Krotoschiner was born on 25 December 1862 in Bojanowo, in the family of the local merchant Isaac and Henrietta (née Lachmann-Bock). He himself was also a merchant and a long-standing member of the Jewish Community Council. His wife Berta (née Lachmann-Bock) was born on 15 March 1869 in Leszno. She was the daughter of Gabriel, a trader, and Judith (Julianna) (née Cohn). They married on 27 January 1895 in Leszno (APL, Civil Registry Office Records of Leszno, file no. 123, pp. 5–6). They had three daughters, Judyta Henrietta, Herta and Eliza. The eldest was murdered in Auschwitz in 1942, Herta went to London in 1937 and the youngest to Argentina, where she died in 1954. Berta Krotoschiner died on 4 May 1935 in Bojanowo (Civil Registry Office in Bojanowo, Death Register 1935, no. 57).

Natan Krotoschiner was deported to the General Government in December 1939. After being deported, he wrote several times to the Fedrich family, informing them of his situation and asking for help. He died on 7 February 1942 in Baranów Sandomierski, reportedly of heart failure (Letters from Paula Fedrich to D. Czwojdrak dated 21 January 1997 and 8 March 1997; yvng.yadvashem.org/nameDetails.html?language=en&itemId=648935&ind=1, access: 18 March 2020).

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Information about the object
Author / creator
Object type
Time of creation / dating
1st quarter of the 20th century
Place of creation
Bojanowo (Wielkopolskie Province)
Copyrights status
the object is not protected by copyright law
Local Museum in Leszno
Identification number