
Tema Wajnsztok's registration card

Registration card issued by the Jewish Provincial Committee (WKŻ) in Lublin on 8 October 1947 for Tema Wajnsztok, born on 12 March 1923 in Frampol, daughter of Szyja and Fajga née Sztajnbojm. After the war, Tema Wajnsztok gave a survivor's account of the situation of the Jewish population in Frampol (AŻIH, 301/7214, Tema Wajsztok's Account, Haifa, 28 August 1960, pp. 1–14).

The WKŻ in Lublin was a local branch of the Central Committee of Polish Jews (CKŻP) and was established after the CKŻP was moved to Warsaw. The WKŻ operated from 6 March to August 1945 and then until December 1949 as a body merged with the Jewish Committee in Lublin (Municipal Committee). Thanks to the existence of Jewish Provincial Committees subordinated to the CKŻP, Jews enjoyed relative autonomy until 1949, although its legal basis was not firmly established. The end of the Jewish community's relative independence during that period was the dissolution of the CKŻP on 29 October 1950 and its merger with the Jewish Cultural Society. It was then that the Social and Cultural Society of Jews in Poland was established, whose activities date back to a different era in the functioning of the Jewish community after World War II. This also meant the end of the activities of the CKŻP and the regional structures subordinated to it, including the Jewish Provincial Committee in Lublin.

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Information about the object
Author / creator
Wajnsztok, Tena (1923-?)
Object type
official documentation
Time of creation / dating
Place of creation
Lublin (Lubelskie Province)
manual script
Copyrights status
the object is not protected by copyright law
”Brama Grodzka ‐ NN Theatre” Centre in Lublin
Identification number