Book from the collection of the Przypkowski Museum in Jędrzejów. Hebrew print. Composite volume containing three works. The copy was purchased in 1974 from Piotr Chrzanowski of Jędrzejów.
1. First work: Torat Chovat Halevavot, ed. Icchak Goldman, Warsaw 1875, part I, 312 pages.
Original title:
תורת חובת הלבבות
[Torat Chovat Halevavot]
Obowiązek serc book [Duty of the hearts].
Publisher's imprint in Russian: ХОВОТЪ ГАЛЕВАВОТЪ, т. е. Обязанности сердецъ. Часть І. ВАРШАВА въ Типопрафіи И. Гольдмана, Мурановская No 24.
2. Second work: Torat Chovat Halevavot, ed. Icchak Goldman, Warsaw 1875, part II, 286 pages.
Original title:
תורת חובת הלבבות
[Torat Chovat Halevavot]
Obowiązek serc book [Duty of the hearts].
Torat Chovat Halevavot (Book "Duty of the hearts"). Original title: תורת חזבתחלבבזת
Publisher's imprint in Russian: ХОВОТЪ ГАЛЕВАВОТЪ, т. е. Обязанности сердецъ. Часть ІІ. ВАРШАВА въ Типопрафіи И. Гольдмана, Мурановская No 24. 1875.
The book Chovat Halevavot (Duty of the Hearts) or Chovot Halevavot (Duties of the Hearts) is a work by Bachia ibn Pakuda, written in Arabic and translated into Hebrew by Yehuda ibn Tibbon. The tractate is divided into 10 parts and concerns the spiritual life of man and contains numerous references to texts from the Bible and the Talmud.
3. Third work: Sefer Toldot Avraham, ed. Jaakow Zeew Unterhendler, Warsaw 1883, 87 pages.
Original title:
ספר תולדות אברהם
[Sefer Toldot Avraham]
Dzieje Abrahama [Acts of Abraham] book.
Publisher's imprint in Russian: СЕФЕРЪ ТОЛДОСЪ АБРАГАМЪ ВАРШАВА въ Типографіи И. Унтeргeндлeра Св.-Юрская No 24. 1883.
The author of the The Story of Abraham, which contains commentaries on the Talmudic tractates such as Kiddushin (Betrothal), Ketubot (Marriage Contracts) and Gitin (Divorce Letters), is Avraham ben Saul Broda.