Travel document of folding type, no. HA 0063030, with photograph and signature of Aleksander Kaganowicz. One of the last travel documents of this type ever issued, as it was issued on the last day of 1968, while booklet-type travel documents were being issued from 1969 onwards. Aleksander Kaganowicz resided in Italy in 1968 during his studies, but returned to Poland deliberately, to help his family organise the trip. After the departure, when his parents and sister flew to the USA from Italy (due to the events of March '68, Italy was a regular route for those leaving Poland for USA, as people leaving for Israel travelled via Vienna), Alexander remained there to continue his studies, only then did he leave for the USA.
The cover of the document is green. On the inside of the cover is a page with a photograph and signature and a circular green seal with the White Eagle, four pages below is an indication of the date of issue of the passport: 31.12.1968, and its expiry date: 10.02.1969, and the exit stamp of the GPK in Zebrzydowice dated 11.02.1969 (Aleksander Kaganowicz was detained there for 24 hours, and had to get off the train). Dates concerning the clearance of baggage are on the reverse of the folding document, the light last page, counting from the cover. It bears a rectangular stamp: “URZĄD CELNY KOLEJOWY | w Warszawie | Odprawiono bagaż wg kwitu Nr: 168869/609 [nr odręcznie] | Data 8.II.69 [date in handwriting] | signature [simplified, illegible]” (RAILWAY CUSTOMS OFFICE | in Warsaw | baggage cleared as per receipt no. 168869/609 [number handwritten] | Date 8.II.69 [date handwritten] | signature [simplified, illegible]). Other stamps: visa stamps, also stamps on other pages of the travel document.