
Yoreh De'ah

Book from the collection of the Przypkowski Museum in Jędrzejów. Hebrew print, ed. Pesel Balaban Printing House, Lemberg [Lviv] 1876, part 1, 486 pages. The copy was purchased from Władysław Ciechanowicz of Kielce.

Original title:

זה השולחן הטהור ספר אשלי רברבי שלחן ערוך יורה דעה

[Ze ha-shulchan ha-tahor Sefer ashlei ravreva Shulchan aruch Yoreh de'ah].

Pure Table. The Book of the Great Man, Shulchan Aruch, Yoreh De'ah.

Alternate title in Latin alphabet: YOREH DE'AH.

Publisher's imprint in Hebrew and German: LEMBERG Druck und Verlag von Pessel Balaban 1876.

Yoreh De'ah (in Hebrew, Teacher of Wisdom) is the second of the four parts of the legal code Arba'ah Turim (Four Columns) by Jacob ben Asher, and its commentary, Shulchan Aruch (Set Table), by Joseph ben Ephraim Karo. The work was first published in Venice in 1551. It contains laws and regulations regarding kashrut, ritual slaughter, ritual purity, rituals during work, mourning, and more.

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Information about the object
Author / creator
Object type
form of information
Time of creation / dating
4th quarter of the 19th century
Place of creation
Lviv (Ukraine)
leather (processed)
Copyright status
the object is not protected by copyright law
Przypkowscy Museum in Jędrzejów
Identification number