
Document issued by the Town Council of Pińczów

Certificate No. 1411 issued by the Town Council of the District Town of Pińczów on 6 December 1933, in the Town of Pińczów, Kielce Province, with the following wording:

"On the basis of a documented confirmation by two trustworthy residents of the town of Pińczów: 1) Szyja Kasztański and 2) Aleksander Kotowicz, the Town Council hereby certifies that Moszek Jankiel Karmioł, resident of Pińczów, aged 22 years, son of Pinkus, and Szajndla Karmioł, widow aged 72 years, have no personal property, are unmarried and in difficult financial conditions, and are unable to pay the court fee in the case with the Diablo-Separator company. –

This certificate was issued to Moszek Jankiel Karmioł in Pińczów, without charging a clerical fee to the local municipal treasury". The document bears the red round seal of the Town Council of the Town of Pińczów and the signatures of the mayor and secretary. The document is in B5 format and is typewritten. Diablo–Separator manufactured household appliances, mainly creamers. They were used to separate cream from milk.

The Sefer Zikaron, a book commemorating the Pińczów Jewish community, published in Tel Aviv in 1970, contains photographs of people with the surname Karmiol. Members of the 1936 Zionist organisation in Pińczówinclude: Nachumia Karmiol and Lejbcze Karmiol. A photograph showing a group of Zionist friends in Pińczówin the 1920s features Chajm Ekiba Karmiol. Other people with this surname are: Frida Aspis (an Aspis family with Pińczów roots lives in Brazil: Miguel Aspis, who has a daughter Marilla Aspis; another bloodline with the surname Aspis went to Israel), daughter of Rav Berl Karmiol. In 1936, the Jewish cemetery in Pińczów was visited by a family who had come from America: Kalman Karmiol, Hersz Lejb Karmiol and Abraham Karmiol. All of this data attests to the fact that a family surnamed Karmioł (Karmiol) lived in Pińczów.

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Information about the object
Author / creator
Magistrat Miasta Powiatowego Pińczowa (Pińczów; ?-?)
Object type
form of information
Time of creation / dating
1st half of the 20th century
Place of creation
Pińczów (Świętokrzyskie Province)
manual script
Copyright status
the object is not protected by copyright law
Regional Museum in Pińczów
Identification number