
Four mushrooms

Walentynowicz, Katarzyna (1986- )

Drawing depicting mushrooms from Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll, whose function in the novel is quite significant. Their consumption (dependently on the part) caused either shrinking or growth of the protagonist who had aten them.

The drawing depicts four mushrooms on stipes with different caps, of different sizes and shapes. First from left is the shortest, it has a thin, black stipe and conical cap with vertical stripes (horizontal, sheet-like short projections protrude from beneath) and dots. Second one has a thin, white, dotted stipe, a wide cap with pattern of black wiggles (created with irregular lines) of different lengths, against its white background:. The third mushroom’s stipe is covered with dots which gradually change into stripes, its cap - with black spots. The last one is the tallest, its stipe is covered with vertical lines.

Drawing was a part of the visuals prepared for the International Children’s Day in the POLIN Museum in 2016, inspired by Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll (www.polin.pl/pl/dziendziecka2016); it was used in the design of numerous promotion materials of the event (posters, leaflets, stickers for paper bags, name tags, stickers with Hebrew alphabet, online banner, Hebrew alphabet boards, cake plates) and an element of scenography - the clock - part the Family Education Spot decor.

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Information about the object
Author / creator
Walentynowicz, Katarzyna (1986- )
Object type
Time of creation / dating
21st century
Place of creation
Warszawa (mazovian province)
Copyright status
contact the Museum
POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Identification number
The object is not currently on display