Kasia Walentynowicz is a designer of book graphics (she was a participant of the collective exhibition Bologna Children's Book Fair, 2019), games, puzzles and identification of visual events (e.g. children’s movie festival held by New Horizons Film Festival). She was honoured with many nominations and awards, i.a. for the game Psiechadzka [Dog walk] (in the 17th edition of “The World Friendly to Children Contest”). The artist creates for younger viewers, she often depicts animals and plants. Because of it – especially projects like Psiechadzka [Dog-walk], the game in which the participants play as dogs and experience the world through their eyes (https://kasiawalentynowicz.com/produkt/psiechadzka-gra-planszowa/; access 11.05.2021) – Walentynowicz is recognised as one of the artist representing the increasingly more present in the Polish art and literature eco-poetical movement, which focuses on nature and its subjectivisation.
Since 2016 a special space dedicated for children, the Family Education Spot “U Króla MAciusia” [At King Matt’s], is opened at the POLIN Museum. It was mainly Kasia Walentynowicz who designed drawings on the walls and other elements of space. The drawings that served as designs for the arrangement of space and activities at “At King Matt’s” belong now also to the museum’s collection – including e.g. the designs of educational and informational brochures prepared for the International Children’s Day, or the designs for the POLIN Museum Friends Club. Despite being prepared as preliminary designs, each of those works, being compositionally complete, bears the value of an individual art piece itself. Most of them are depictions of animals, including those significant for the Jewish traditions.