
Glass bottle for pejsachówka

A four-wall glass bottle, with a capacity of 0.5 litres, with a cork, intended for pejsachówka vodka, which is confirmed by the convex inscriptions on the glass. On the front wall, there is an inscription: "PEJSACHÓWKA/ S. ZYLBER i S-WIE/ LUBLIN KOŚMINEK" and an image of a deer in a vertical rectangle. On the back wall, at the top: "1928 R.", and at the bottom in Hebrew - according to Jewish calendar - "Roku 688" (i.e. 1928). There are also inscriptions in Hebrew on the side walls: on one of them: "S. Zylber i Synowie/ Lublin Kośminek" (S. Zylber i synowie/Lublin Kośminek), and on the other one: "Koszerna na święto Pesach/ pod względem koszerności nadzorowana przez lubelskiego rabina" (kosher for Pesach/ in terms of kosherness supervised by the Lublin rabbi).

Pejsachówka was a kosher, strong, dry vodka, popular among Polish Jews. It was consumed during the Passover holiday, the name of which was pronounced "Pejsach" in Yiddish, hence the vodka. According to religious rules, no "chametz", i.e. leaven, or anything that may have come into contact with it and not properly purified, may be consumed or kept in a house during this holiday. Vodka belongs to the group of forbidden products, as it is obtained during the process of fermentation of cereals. Therefore, in connection with this important holiday, pejsachówka was created, which is not made from grain but from molasses or fruit (often plum).

The presented bottle for pejsachówka was produced by an unidentified glassworks for the "Kośminek" distillery in Lublin (Gorzelnia, Rektyfikacja, Fabryka Wódek "Kośminek"), which was the largest plant producing pejsachówka in Poland. It operated in the years 1901–1939, and was located at the then Mostowa Street (presently Garbarska Street). The owners were Sender Zylber and sons.

The item was purchased for the collection of the Lublin Open Air Village Museum in 2009 from "Antyki" gallery in Lublin.

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Information about the object
Author / creator
Object type
Place of creation
Lublin (Lubelskie Province)
Copyright status
the object is not protected by copyright law
The Lublin Open Air Village Museum
Identification number