
Kiddush cup

The silver kiddush cup from the collection of the District Museum in Tarnów has the shape of an inverted, truncated cone, slightly bell-shaped, on a low plinth. On the mantle it has an engraved decoration in the form of four rectangular frames topped with double sharp arches. The frames are made with a double dotted line, with a vertical rhomboid element between the arches. The frames feature alternating stylised architectural and floral motifs. The frame refers in its shape to the motif of the two tablets of the Decalogue. Architectural motifs, on the other hand, may refer to views of Jerusalem or other Jewish holy sites in the Promised Land.

There are two punched goldsmith marks on the bottom: 1. Austrian basic hallmark for silver fineness of "3" from the Kraków Assay Office; 2. goldsmith's name mark: "MJ" - Marcin Jarra (1852-1938), associated with a Kraków-based factory of silver and plated products operating between 1901 and 1927. Numerous small scratches, a slightly deformed rim, a small dent on the bottom and on the mantle of the cup testify to its unfortunate storage.

Kiddush ("sanctification") is a short ceremony involving the recitation of a prayer over a cup of wine during the evening beginning the Sabbath and other holidays. It is said by the master of the house in the presence of the entire family, immediately after returning from the synagogue, before the evening meal, and repeated the following morning. The prayer consists of two blessings: one over wine, the other over the Sabbath or another holiday. Specially designed chalices or cups are used to perform kiddush.

The cup, along with other silverware (glasses and cups), was found in the basement of the museum building at 20 Rynek Street (currently housing the Museum of the History of Tarnów and the Region) during renovation works carried out in 1971–1975. It was probably hidden in this place during World War II. Its original origin is unknown. In 1973, the object was donated to the District Museum in Tarnów by the Municipal and District Civic Militia Headquarters in Tarnów.

Barbara Bułdys

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Information about the object
Author / creator
Fabryka wyrobów srebrnych i platerowanych (Kraków; 1901-1927)
Object type
Time of creation / dating
1st quarter of the 20th century
Place of creation
Kraków (Małopolskie Province)
Copyright status
the object is not protected by copyright law
Museum of Tarnów Land
Identification number