Letter from Karol Allina to Bogusław Allina, dated 9 March 1946, written in Cairo (Egypt) – typescript, written on a sheet of blank paper on one side, in Polish; includes handwritten corrections. The author signed the letter by hand. In the bottom left corner is Karol Allina's address.
Full text of the letter:
Cairo, 9 March 1946
My dear Bogusław,
Referring to my two previous letters, in response to yours from September last year, to which I have not yet received a reply, I am informing you that I will probably leave here for Poland soon. At the same time, I have made efforts through our local Legation so that Greta and the boys could also leave Uzhhorod as soon as possible and be repatriated to Poland. I gave your address as the place where [for the time being] they should go. You probably know better than me that in Warsaw, at the present time, I would not know where to accommodate us.
This is only a temporary solution and taking advantage of your hospitality, until the work to which and where I will be called is clarified. The application for the job has been addressed to the Ministry of Shipping and Foreign Trade. It is possible that I may be sent to a foreign post. However, these are all conjectures.
I am concerned that I have not heard from you and Stefcia for so long. May I find you all in good health. I am also worried that I have not heard from Małgorzata. It all seems strange to me, like a dream, that I will be able to see you and hug you after almost 7 years.
I will send you a message before I leave.
I send my love to you, Halcia and Rysio. I am writing a separate letter to Stefcia.
Your brother
c/o Alonzo
13, SH. El Nemr,
Cairo (Egypt)