
Photograph of the Loewenstein family

A group portrait of the Loewenstein family was taken at the back of the Moritz Rohr Foundation in Bojanowo at 48 Rawicka Street (ul. Rawicka 48). They are accompanied by Natan Krotoschiner, standing on the left. Next to him are Edward Loewenstein, his mother Róża and his father Artur, the institution inspector. All the people are dressed up formally, the gentlemen in suits, Róża Loewenstein in a black dress, Edward in short trousers and a white checked jacket. She is wearing knee-high socks and sandals on her feet. The blossoming fruit trees among which they stand indicate the early spring season. In the background, there is a transformer station and a row of trees in the distance.

The Loewenstein family came to Bojanowo in 1926 from Antonovka in Volhynia, where they owned a small estate. Arthur was from Nowy Targ and was a lieutenant in the Polish Army. In 1939, He took part in the defensive war and then, until his liberation, was in a prisoner of war camp in Łambinowice. Róża (née Eisenstark) was born in 1902 in Białogórka. Their son Edward was born on 8 November 1929 in Bojanowo (APL, Bojanowo City Files, file no. 106, pp. 169–170, 499–500; Civil Registry Office in Bojanowo, Birth Register 1929, no. 170).

Shortly after the outbreak of war, Róża and her son left for Łódź. They were held in the local ghetto, from where they were deported to the Auschwitz-Birkenau concentration camp. They both died. Artur came to Bojanowo for a short time after the end of the war. He then emigrated to Israel and settled in Tel Mond and then in Netanya (for more on the life of A. Loewenstein see in: Z Archiwum Yad Vashem: Zeznania polskich jeńców wojennych – Żydów, documents were prepared for printing, introducted and annotated by W. Mędykowski, V. Rezler-Wasielewska [in:] "Łambinowicki Rocznik Muzealny", 2008, no. 31, pp. 119–127).

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Information about the object
Author / creator
Object type
Time of creation / dating
2nd quarter of the 20th century
Place of creation
Bojanowo (Wielkopolskie Province)
Copyrights status
the object is not protected by copyright law
Local Museum in Leszno
Identification number