
The poster of the play The Dybbuk by Szymon An-ski

The poster of the Polish-language production of Szymon An-ski's The Dybbuk at the Municipal Theatre in Lublin dates from 1929. It was the second Polish-language performance of this play in Lublin. Six years earlier, despite the anti-Semitic campaign and protests of the National Democratic press, The Dybbuk was performed with great success in the same theatre.

In 1921, Ester Rachel Kamińska was the first to stage The Dybbuk in Lublin (in the Yiddish version). The play returned to Lublin theatres throughout the interwar period.

On 20 September 1937, the nationwide premiere of the film adaptation of The Dybbuk directed by Michał Waszyński took place in the "Bałtyk" cinema in Lublin. The film is still considered the greatest work of Jewish cinematography in interwar Poland.

Szymon An-ski (born Szlojme Zangwił) Rapoport, 1863–1920) – Jewish writer, folklore researcher. He came from an Orthodox family, received traditional religious education and was self-taught. Until 1904 he wrote mainly in Russian, in 1905 he wrote the anthem of the Bund Di Svue (Yiddish: "The Oath"). At this time, he turned to Yiddish literature, drawing many motifs from the treasury of Jewish folklore. Around 1914, his most famous work was written in Yiddish and in Russian – the drama Tsvishn Tsvey Veltn (Yiddish: "Between Two Worlds"), better known as The Dybbuk. An-ski also published poems, plays, prose works, diaries and studies on folklore (for more information see Rafał Żebrowski, An-Ski (An-ski) Sz. (Szymon) (pseud.), Polski Słownik Judaistyczny, https ://delet.jhi.pl/pl/psj?articleId=19200, access: 1 September 2023).

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Information about the object
Author / creator
Arnsztejn, Marek (1880-1943)
Object type
ephemeral material
Time of creation / dating
2nd quarter of the 20th century
Place of creation
Lublin (Lubelskie Province)
Copyright status
the object is not protected by copyright law
”Brama Grodzka ‐ NN Theatre” Centre in Lublin
Identification number