
Untitled (Rapaport Monument 1)

Żmijewski, Artur (1966 - )

It is part of the collection

One of the black-and-white photographs taken with a wide-angle lens showing the Monument to the Warsaw Ghetto Heroes. The photograph shows the current side view of the monument, from the side of Lewartowskiego Street (ul. Lewartowskiego). In the right part of the frame, you can see a fragment of the building of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews POLIN.

The monument, commemorating the martyrdom and heroism of the Jews living in this area, is located on a large square in the centre of the Warsaw’s Muranów district between Anielewicza, Lewartowskiego, Karmelicka and Zamenhofa Streets, and at the same time in the centre of the former area of the Warsaw Ghetto. This is the second monument – the first, smaller one, was unveiled in 1946, while the one next to it, which is a monumental sculpture, was unveiled on 19 April 1948, on the fifth anniversary of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. The sculpture was realised by Natan Rapaport. Its shape is reminiscent of the walls of the Warsaw Ghetto and the Western Wall in Jerusalem. The whole composition was made of grey basalt, originally commissioned by Albert Speer for monuments dedicated to Adolf Hitler, and acquired by Jewish organisations after the war. On the west and east sides of the sculpture there are bronze reliefs: ‘Fight’ and ‘Marching for extermination’ and a black marble plaque with the inscription ‘Jewish nation to its fighters and martyrs’ in Polish, Yiddish and Hebrew. In front of the monument, on the western side, there are two seven-branched candlesticks (referring to the menorah from the Temple of Jerusalem) acting as torches.

On the right you can see a fragment of the façade of the building of the Museum of the History of Polish Jews POLIN, built in the years 2009–2012.


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Information about the object
Author / creator
Żmijewski, Artur (1966 - )
Object type
Time of creation / dating
21st century
Place of creation
Warszawa (mazovian province)
digital photograph
Copyrights status
contact the Museum
POLIN Museum of the History of Polish Jews
Identification number
The object is not currently on display