
The story of King Maciuś according to Iwona Chmielewska

Iwona Chmielewska is a picture book author and illustrator whose work, which is rich and multithreaded, includes projects raising the issue of the history of Polish Jews. She is, among others, the author of „Dopóki niebo nie płacze” [Until the Sky Is Crying] (2016), a picture book for which she created illustrations of her selected children's poems by Józef Czechowicz and a visual context for pre-war photographs of Lublin (whose authorship is attributed to Abram Zylberberg; see, accessed 3.08.2021); illustrator of the volume „Mama zawsze wraca” [Mom Always Comes Back] (2020) - the wartime memoirs of Zosia Zajczyk (Yael Rosner) written down by Agata Tuszyńska. (2011), in which she told the story of the Dom Sierot orphanage run by Janusz Korczak and Stefania Wilczyńska. She created the project of the visual layer of Korczak's novel ,"Król Maciuś Pierwszy" [King Maciuś the First] in 2018 in connection with the temporary exhibition at the POLIN Museum "W Polsce króla Maciusia [In King Matt's Poland (9.11.2018–1.07.2019). Her works became the basis for the scenographic designs of the first part of the exhibition, a narrative one, depicting the story of a little king - a boy who, after the untimely death of his father, the king, became a ruler himself and found out , "Jak ciężko być królem" [How Hard It Is to Be a King]. This is how Iwona Chmielewska entitled her picture book, which is the fruit of the project.

Przemysław Kaniecki

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